Creating a one- off payment link couldnt be more simple, follow the steps below and if you need any further help, never hesitate to reach out to us!
To get started, on your dashboard, selcet "create new payment link". You will then see the below, in this example we are going to select "one-off" from the options. We can then give the plan a title, add a description (optional) and then choose the price that it will be.
You are also able to choose what currency you wish the plan to be in (if you don't see the currency you want, contact us to see if we can add it.

Once you are finished you will be able to view, duplicate, copy the link or even get the embed code if you wish.

Here is what the finished example will look like if someone were to open it on a desktop computer. As you can see the company logo automatically pulls in. To see how to do this check out the "Customising your payment forms" in the how to guides.